Hotel And Lodging
Merchant Services
Are you the proud owner of a bed and breakfast, a hotel, or some other type of lodging establishment? Well, Merchant Pro has processing solutions just for you!

Operating in the lodging industry requires you to have smooth credit card processing, allowing for easy check-in/check-out, while processing full hotel/lodging application information, and allow pre-authorizations for customers who wish to make reservations and complete payment at check-out.
Merchant Pro Technologies offers many benefits to credit card processing for your lodging
establishment including, but not limited to:
Quick Authorizations
Our lodging processing platform is quick and dependable, allowing you to receive your authorizations fast.
Red Carpet
Customer Service
We offer our services to you by providing two dedicated premier client representatives with a Lifetime Service Guarantee.
24/7 Tech Support
You can reach our Tech Support department at any time to troubleshoot any equipment issues you may be having.

For our hotel or lodging merchants, we
recommend the First Data FD-130 Terminal with
Internal PIN pad.
This terminal can use a dial-up or Ethernet connection, allows for tips (both restaurant and counter-style tips), and has the option for auto-close batch. Not only is this terminal sleek and stylish, the FD-130 Terminal is also EMV compliant, and is NFC capable.