However, you need to protect yourself from fraudsters looking to steal your customer’s credit card information. If you have a drawer full of card numbers from your loyal customers, you could be the next target for a breach. Do not be that guy (or gal)!!
SCHEDULE A CONSULTATIONWe can set your company up with an online payment gateway to securely store credit card information for your recurring customers, even if you do not have an online shopping cart. You can process payments by phone or (e) mail in orders with a few clicks of a button.
If you already have an online shopping cart and customer management system set up, we can easily provide gateway services to your company. And, if you happen to sell directly out of your warehouse, we can help you set up systems ranging from full-fledged inventory management systems to basic merchant terminals, or mobile and tablet payment solutions. Whatever your business needs, Merchant Pro can help you receive payment faster and easier, so you can spend more of your time focusing on your wholesale business.