Admit it. You have a secret stash of credit card info for your members or subscribers. It’s probably hiding in a drawer of your desk or filing cabinet. If you are really organized, you might even have this list in an Excel spreadsheet.
FIND A BETTER WAY!Every month (or quarter, or whatever), you pull out the list and manually key in credit card information for each and every one of your members or subscribers. And as your subscriber list grows, so does the time it takes to process all those transactions.
Now the bad news. This list, or folder, or stack of paperwork is in direct violation of PCI security standards. Storing your members credit card information either on paper or on an unsecured file puts you and your business at risk for breach. What happens if someone gets their hands on this list, or folder, or stack of papers? Sounds like a formula for some pretty angry members, and a potential huge drop in your subscribers!
Our Merchant Payment Gateway is designed to encrypt and store your members/subscribers credit card information safely and securely; so you can sleep easy, knowing their sensitive data is no longer in a drawer or data file, at risk from those data thieves!
What’s even better, is you can set up recurring billing right within your Gateway, saving you hours of tedious data entry time each and every month.
Oh, and as another bonus, the monthly fee for our RedFynn Payment Gateway is very affordable. Like Mocha Latte affordable. This is a serious no-brainer.